Courtesy of the site supervisor, news reaches us of progress on the relief road linking Cedars Park with the centre of Stowmarket...
With the end of the cold snap in sight, works will recommence in Stowmarket on the construction of the new relief.
On Monday 18th January 2010 works should start on the alterations to existing junction of Gipping Way and Station Road.
The first phase will consist widening Gipping Way between Stowupland Road and Station Road, which will require the existing road to be reduced in width on the approach to the traffic signals from Bury St Edmunds.
Whilst two-way traffic will be maintained at all times, the number of traffic lanes approaching the signals will be reduced from two to one, this in turn will delay traffic using the junction.
This lane reduction will be in operation for 24 hours a day, traffic delays should be minimal during the day but will be more noticeable at peak times.
As the works progress different lanes on different approaches to the traffic signals will be coned off to traffic.
Pedestrians movements will be maintained at all times and short local diversions will be set up, generally pedestrians will be re-routed onto the coned off sections of road.
This type of work will be on going for the next 6 to 8 weeks, with different lane closures of different approaches, with the final part of the works being the replacement of the traffic signals at the junction, hopefully this will be done on one Sunday at the end of March 2010.